Monday, April 21, 2014

the party is over, and now we wait.....WRONG!

If you are like me, you've often had the after Christmas blues. You know, when the festive decorations, lights, and tree come down and thrills of the holiday season begin to subside. I often hear people remark on how sad that time feels as "we wait another 365 days until we get to do it again." 

Or maybe you have become the Grinch and Christmas isn't really your thing. Do you remember as a kid waiting a whole year for your birthday and how bummed out you got when YOUR day was over. You, too, began the waiting game. Counting down that next year until you could do it again.

So, what does all of this have to do with Spring? A lot! As we celebrate Easter, many things came to a close. For those who chose to give up specifics for lent, they can now go back to the way they wanted. The "don't wear white, except for winter white or if you're a bride" rule will be put to the side -- at least until Labor Day. (Thank goodness!) The drab colors move to the back of the closet as we welcome in the new spring colors and the joy that comes with it!

 Unfortunately for many people, Easter is also the close of their attention to God --- at least for another year. They wait for Easter, dress in their Sunday best, attend church, and enjoy fellowship with family and friends. Then, the party is over, and then many go about their daily lives as they did before, until another calendar year goes round and they make time for Jesus again next Easter.

Maybe you are reading this and saying "That is not me." I celebrate my Jesus everyday. Maybe you do, and if so that is awesome! However, if you are anything like me or the many people I hear on a regular basis, we kind of get bummed out with Easter. Why? Well, we have this day where we really reflect on the gift of God's son and the sacrifice Jesus made on our behalf. We all celebrate the fact that God's Not Dead! (Btw, if you have not seen that movie, yet, you NEED to. Take a friend with you. I'm not big on movies, but that one is awesome!!)

However, now that the party (the resurrection party) is over, we now wait. We wait and hope for the return of our Savior. But why? Why are we just sitting around waiting. We moan and complain about this world and how we wish that God would just take us now. We comment that our world seems to be present day Sodom and Gomorrah, and we surely do not understand why our nation seems to be falling farther from God.  We live in a broken world; yet, we do not help it any with all our complaining. We cry, "God, why won't you come back and get us?! God, why won't you do something." When in reality, he did. As my favorite song says --- HE CREATED YOU. So why are we just sitting around waiting? It's time for us to do something!!

Click to Listen to Matthew West's song "Do Something"

The story does not end with the resurrection. It is just beginning. After the resurrection, Jesus said: "He showed them his hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord.
Again Jesus said, "Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you." - John 20:20-21

How awesome is that?! Just as God chose to send his Son for us, so Jesus chooses to send us out into the world for His kingdom. What an honor! We often remark about how special the disciples must have felt to be God's chosen ones, but in reality we are just like that! God has chosen us; He is sending us to do his work. So, let's do something. You don't have to go on a big mission trip. In fact, every day that you wake up and breathe, you are ENTERING THE MISSION FIELD. 

My question is: are we acting like it. Paul and I try so hard to do our part for God's kingdom. We have a long way to go, but I hope that you will join us on this extremely exhausting yet exhilarating journey toward God's heart!

It doesn't have to be a life-changing act. You never know the power of a simple smile. We are just taking baby steps. Whether it's cleaning an elderly lady's yard with our Bible class at church, teaching the kindergarten Bible class at the Inner City church (even when they seem more interested in the blue icing than the lesson), or simply just being a listening ear to someone in need. Sometimes the smallest gesture can show Jesus to others.

My point is this: you don't have to perfect. You don't have to always lead devotions or pray with people. Our mission is to show the love of Christ, in whatever venue that may be. It may be providing a smile or a hug. It may be helping a kid wipe the blue icing off his mouth and, in turn, getting it all over you. It may be praying for someone, even if they never know it. And it may be getting down and dirty to pick up sticks in an older lady's yard. Some may even be called to GREATER things than this. It doesn't mean you have to change the world, just be the change you want to see in the world.

So, won't you join me?! You're already in the mission field whether you want to be or not. The question is whether you are showing people the love of Christ or pushing them farther away from it. Let's not just sit down and wait for His coming - let's run full force towards His coming! When you run a race, you don't wait for the finish line to come to race towards it....but it takes ACTION on your part. Let's run the good race and FINISH STRONG. I don't want to have to look my Savior in the face one day and say that I could have done more. It's now or never. It's time for us to DO SOMETHING! 

Until next time...