Sunday, September 11, 2016

Know your WORTH!

I know I post about fitness a lot these days, and I LOVE it because of the confidence and better health that it has given me. Sure, I also loved losing a few pounds that I had unnecessarily put on ....

BUT my worth is not defined by a number on a scale, the size of a pair of jeans, or how much "fat" I can manage to pinch. Neither is yours!!

(Granted just a couple months ago, I lived on that scale and with a tape measurer. It's not wrong to track your progress, but don't let that define your worth.)

I do believe that we are called to take care of our bodies (1 Corinthians 6:12-20), but I also believe God's word when it says that I am "fearfully and wonderfully made" just the way I am (Psalm 139:14).

The God of the universe created You to be YOU. Let that define your WORTH. Don't change it, just maintain it. And for goodness sakes, put down the scale.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Pep Talk: Comparison

This is an older vlog (video blog) that I did, but I just felt like I needed to share it again. Take a listen... :)

3 Favorite Leg Workouts

Ab workout! (Bow-n-arrow)

Showing a little LOVE today with my new favorite ab exercise -- 💕💙 the "bow-n-arrow." Try it out!

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Closing the Chapter on Fitness Coaching

In one year, I have gone from an overweight, unconfident woman with high blood pressure issues and high cholesterol to fit, confident, and healthy! Saying goodbye to those 20+lbs and inches was FUN, and it's the reason that I know the Beachbody programs work!!
I also went from a girl who didn't work out to being a fitness coach and loving every minute of it! However, after much debate and prayer with recent life events, I just am not in a place to be the effective coach that I was. It's time for me to just focus on being FIT (Faithful, Intentional, and Trusting God on His timing), as I continue to go where He leads.
I will no longer be actively coaching with Beachbody, although I will continue on with the programs that have changed my life! No worries! I'll still be here as a friend to help out with your fitness goals as much as I can. ðŸ˜Š
If you are on the fence with fitness, try it! You are SO worth it (and I know some pretty fabulous coaches!)

I LOVED my time as a coach and my team!
 am definitely a better person for knowing these amazing ladies!

Laughing with Sagi, working out with Tony Horton, bear hugs from Shaun T,
and getting to tell Autumn how much she has changed my life!!