Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Clean Eating Simplified

I may or may not be burning more candles than Anthropologie to get that smell out of my house before the hubs comes home! ‪#‎brusselsprouts‬ ðŸ˜‚🙊😜 I may have lost 20 lbs, but be assured that it's not from lack of food! This girl's gotta eat. Lol

As you try to plan out clean eating meals, don't over-complicate it. I have found some really great recipes that I wanted to try, but sometimes I just get overwhelmed because I don't have the time for that. Here me say, IT'S OKAY! 

My lunch today consisted of a Tyson Grilled Teriyaki Chicken Breast (frozen from a bag), Green Giant Steamer Brussel Sprouts (frozen), and some fresh blueberries. It took me all of like 6 minutes to heat up. Easy peasy! You've got this!! 

Need help, that's what I'm here for!! I may not be coaching full time anymore, but I love the new, healthier me that came from better nutrition....and I love helping anyone find that!

Monday, August 15, 2016

21 Day Fix - How I finally saw weightloss results!

So, what is this 21 Day Fix thing?  
watch the quick video and/or read my description below 
** Please note -- I am no longer a coach or selling this program....but I'm telling you that it works, and it is worth your time to try it out! Any questions, I'd still be happy to talk to you about it! :)

It is really just portion control, which I was REALLY bad at before I tried the fix. I did not have the time nor the "want to" to calculate my calories for everything I ate. Nor should you! 

When you purchase the 21 Day fix kit, you are sent different colored containers (for different type foods )that are different sizes, and a booklet with extensive lists to let you know what foods count what colors. Then, as long as it fits in the container, you can eat it. No hassle with calorie counting. SO EASY!! For example, for my weight range, I can have 2 yellow, 1 blue, 3 red, 3 green, 2 purple and so on. So I space those out throughout my meals. 

Then, you just have a 30 min workout each day which is different every single day, so it doesn't get boring. -- The workouts include light weight training, cardio, arm and leg workouts, ab fix, pilates, and yoga! -- Also, if you are worried about time for 30 min. each day, you can actually double up one day and skip the next. In other words, you would work out for 1 hr one day (completing two workouts) and skip the next day. If you are really in a bind for time, there is a 10-minute workout that you can do in place of your regular workout. 

You can also do protein shakes for a meal or snack, but it is not required. This is honestly my FAVORITE part of my day. I mix my chocolate protein shake with coffee, and it's like instant Starbucks - without the guilt or the price! There are many flavors: chocolate, vanilla, Cafe Latte, tropical strawberry, and vegan options - something for everyone!

How I get through my day...

What does it cost?

There are several ways you can order, but the most cost effective is to order the challenge pack OR join my team as a discount coach and save even more!

The challenge pack is $160. I know that sounds like a lot, but that includes 30 meals (as shakes), 9 different workout videos, portion control containers, a shaker bottle, and a meal planning guide. Plus, all of that except for the shakes last you MUCH LONGER than just 30 days, so you really get your money's worth. You also get a free 30-day trial of Beachbody on Demand where you can access all kinds of other workouts from celebrity trainers. 

Think about it this way: It's like paying $30 for a gym membership (which is on the lower average of most gyms now days) and then $4 a meal for 30 HEALTHY meals. Much more reasonable, right? 

Will I see results?

YES - or you get your money back! That's a pretty sweet deal! 
I know life gets crazy and hectic, but this program is SO doable and EASY!! I was very skeptical of this program at first, but I ended up loving it! Trust me! Here are a couple pics of my results! 
Down 16 lbs and 20 inches!

Just 2 months ago these jeans did NOT fit (unless "fit" means not breathing and looking like a sad can of Pillsbury).
This shirt? Haven't seen it in 2 years! Now - I can wear them both, with room to spare.
Down 2 pants sizes in 2 months - Never say Never. It can be done