Thursday, May 26, 2016

To Succeed, YOU have to start!

To SUCCEED you have to START

In my high school yearbook, I have a picture with the caption "Voted Most Likely to Succeed" and for so many years, I HATED that. Why? In my mind, that did not mean successful, it just meant I was the nerd. I also thought success meant a big office and a big paycheck - neither one of those seemed likely with my future in education. So, that idea never really meant much to me.

MAYBE because I don't think I really believed it in myself. Or maybe because my idea of SUCCESS was all wrong. The Bible says that success comes from service - to be GREAT is to SERVE others (Matt. 20:26).
I may not ever have a big office, ridiculous wealth, or a mansion on a hill, and that is OKAY. That's not what I'm working for. What I do know is that for the first time, I feel successful!

Every day, I get to see over 80 students, and I get to play a small part in helping their lives. Every day, I feel love from one of the most genuine, God-fearing men I've ever met. Every day, God opens new doors for service. And every day, I get to share what I've been given with others through my coaching business.

Hope. Help. A listening ear. A giving hand. A heart to love. An encouraging chat. A praying friend. A comrade to fight the wars of life with....that is SUCCESS, my friends. And I get to do it every day.

So, maybe there was something to that little yearbook. But I didn't reach this point by falling. I'm continuously climbing with God as my safety harness. Serving others is what I love most about this coaching business - a door God opened that I never saw coming.

If you've ever been curious what all goes into it, I'd love to chat more with you about my team and what we do. Who knows? This might be a door that could work for you in helping you help others. Comment below or email me -->