Monday, January 18, 2016

Illustrating my Faith - Why I love Bible Journaling

Read the Bible in a year. Memorize a Bible verse a week. Study the background and original meanings/language of each verse in the Bible. 

Overwhelming, right? Well, these were the type goals I used to set for myself. While these goals are not necessarily wrong, I was missing the point. I did, indeed, read through the Bible in  year, and I started memorizing a new verse a week for awhile. However, I still felt that I was missing something. 

I was doing it all wrong. I was treating God's Word like a scholarly book to be mastered rather than the greatest love story ever told; after all, I love learning. Yet, the truth is that I will NEVER fully master God's word, nor will I ever understand every nook and cranny meaning within its text. Viewing the Bible as a textbook made God seem so impersonal and far away. I don't think God is impressed by how quickly I can read the Bible or how many scriptures I can quote IF I am not growing in my relationship with him. 

This is not that uncommon. The Western way of studying scripture is by breaking down it down verse by verse and analyzing every little meaning. However, the Jewish culture would have read the Bible as one big story (no chapters or verses), and I have tried to take on more of that approach now. My, how liberating that has been! 

The message of the Bible in one word is LOVE, and you just don't get that feeling from studying a textbook. Now, I read the Bible as God's love letters, so to speak. What is this love story? How does it all go together? What does it mean for me? How do I fit into this story? What is my role in God's story?

Just like any good storybook, I love the pictures. So much can be told from a simple image. So, I've added images and notes in the margins of my journaling Bible, and I find that I am connecting SO much more with the text. I am such a visual learner, so as I illustrate God's story, my original, defeating goals start to become easier. I remember more scripture after I spend time with it illustrating it. 

I know that Bible journaling is not for everyone and that some do not agree with putting markings in a Bible, and I can also see that point of view. However, I am not adding to or taking away from the words of Scripture; I am simply illustrating its deep meaning to me.  In fact, some of the first Bible had illustrations in them, how cool is that?!

Here are some that I have done so far:


What's more - I was sent this message the other day with these pictures attached. As a teacher, these are the moments I dream about! My prayer has and will always be: Lord, let them see You in me. This is by far the best compliment I've ever received, and words cannot express how much this means to me! Two of my former students are digging into the Word! 💕 Watching my current and former students study the Bible, be baptized, and grow in God - there is no greater reward!! 

Until next time...