Monday, June 2, 2014

We cycled on to Year #2 -- the "COTTON" Anniversary!

It's hard to believe that we've already been husband and wife for:

730 DAYS
17531+ HOURS ....

and I wouldn't trade a single second of it. 

We "cycled" on to year #2 and learned that true love is a beautiful ride in this thing called life.

As we celebrate our COTTON anniversary, I find these qualities about cotton intriguing:

1. Cotton is a perennial, not an annual -- meaning that it is not in season for just one year and has to be replaced. No, cotton continues to flourish year after year.

2. Cotton begins as a sort of flower. However, even when the original beauty fades and the petals fall, the cotton capsule remains. In time, that core also opens to reveal even more beautiful cotton on the inside. Just as a marriage, cotton seems to get even more beautiful and better with time.

3. Cotton plants love the sun and are vulnerable to freezing temperatures. The same with a marriage. With warmth and nurturing, the marriage blossoms; with rigidness and cold attitudes, it falters. 

4. Cotton is useful for so many purposes. I have learned over the past two years that as a couple, God has begun using us for so many more purposes than we ever thought possible. We may only see ourselves as simple cotton, but God sees so much more!


We've also learned that marriage provides a beautiful bridge through a lot of life's troubling waters, but it's still a bridge filled with squeaky boards, leaks in the roof, and many holes and cracks.

However, we've also begun to see that sometimes those pesky cracks add beauty to the marriage and break us just enough to allow new and precious light to shine right through!

 Last but not least, we've learned that marriage is A LOT OF FUN!! So, appropriately enough,
we had to celebrate with some COTTON candy!!! 


Serious conversations also came amidst all the fun.... You cannot give a grown man candy and expect him not to: 1. play with it or 2. eat it..... things get serious pretty quickly! haha

...but, of course, things went right back to fun!

Long story short, these past TWO YEARS have been nothing short of wedded bliss and blessings!

 Now, it's time to step out the door to year #3.
I cannot wait to see what God has in store for us as individuals and together!

"Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God." - Ruth 1:16

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