Sunday, September 11, 2016

Know your WORTH!

I know I post about fitness a lot these days, and I LOVE it because of the confidence and better health that it has given me. Sure, I also loved losing a few pounds that I had unnecessarily put on ....

BUT my worth is not defined by a number on a scale, the size of a pair of jeans, or how much "fat" I can manage to pinch. Neither is yours!!

(Granted just a couple months ago, I lived on that scale and with a tape measurer. It's not wrong to track your progress, but don't let that define your worth.)

I do believe that we are called to take care of our bodies (1 Corinthians 6:12-20), but I also believe God's word when it says that I am "fearfully and wonderfully made" just the way I am (Psalm 139:14).

The God of the universe created You to be YOU. Let that define your WORTH. Don't change it, just maintain it. And for goodness sakes, put down the scale.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Pep Talk: Comparison

This is an older vlog (video blog) that I did, but I just felt like I needed to share it again. Take a listen... :)

3 Favorite Leg Workouts

Ab workout! (Bow-n-arrow)

Showing a little LOVE today with my new favorite ab exercise -- 💕💙 the "bow-n-arrow." Try it out!

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Closing the Chapter on Fitness Coaching

In one year, I have gone from an overweight, unconfident woman with high blood pressure issues and high cholesterol to fit, confident, and healthy! Saying goodbye to those 20+lbs and inches was FUN, and it's the reason that I know the Beachbody programs work!!
I also went from a girl who didn't work out to being a fitness coach and loving every minute of it! However, after much debate and prayer with recent life events, I just am not in a place to be the effective coach that I was. It's time for me to just focus on being FIT (Faithful, Intentional, and Trusting God on His timing), as I continue to go where He leads.
I will no longer be actively coaching with Beachbody, although I will continue on with the programs that have changed my life! No worries! I'll still be here as a friend to help out with your fitness goals as much as I can. ðŸ˜Š
If you are on the fence with fitness, try it! You are SO worth it (and I know some pretty fabulous coaches!)

I LOVED my time as a coach and my team!
 am definitely a better person for knowing these amazing ladies!

Laughing with Sagi, working out with Tony Horton, bear hugs from Shaun T,
and getting to tell Autumn how much she has changed my life!! 

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Clean Eating Simplified

I may or may not be burning more candles than Anthropologie to get that smell out of my house before the hubs comes home! ‪#‎brusselsprouts‬ ðŸ˜‚🙊😜 I may have lost 20 lbs, but be assured that it's not from lack of food! This girl's gotta eat. Lol

As you try to plan out clean eating meals, don't over-complicate it. I have found some really great recipes that I wanted to try, but sometimes I just get overwhelmed because I don't have the time for that. Here me say, IT'S OKAY! 

My lunch today consisted of a Tyson Grilled Teriyaki Chicken Breast (frozen from a bag), Green Giant Steamer Brussel Sprouts (frozen), and some fresh blueberries. It took me all of like 6 minutes to heat up. Easy peasy! You've got this!! 

Need help, that's what I'm here for!! I may not be coaching full time anymore, but I love the new, healthier me that came from better nutrition....and I love helping anyone find that!

Monday, August 15, 2016

21 Day Fix - How I finally saw weightloss results!

So, what is this 21 Day Fix thing?  
watch the quick video and/or read my description below 
** Please note -- I am no longer a coach or selling this program....but I'm telling you that it works, and it is worth your time to try it out! Any questions, I'd still be happy to talk to you about it! :)

It is really just portion control, which I was REALLY bad at before I tried the fix. I did not have the time nor the "want to" to calculate my calories for everything I ate. Nor should you! 

When you purchase the 21 Day fix kit, you are sent different colored containers (for different type foods )that are different sizes, and a booklet with extensive lists to let you know what foods count what colors. Then, as long as it fits in the container, you can eat it. No hassle with calorie counting. SO EASY!! For example, for my weight range, I can have 2 yellow, 1 blue, 3 red, 3 green, 2 purple and so on. So I space those out throughout my meals. 

Then, you just have a 30 min workout each day which is different every single day, so it doesn't get boring. -- The workouts include light weight training, cardio, arm and leg workouts, ab fix, pilates, and yoga! -- Also, if you are worried about time for 30 min. each day, you can actually double up one day and skip the next. In other words, you would work out for 1 hr one day (completing two workouts) and skip the next day. If you are really in a bind for time, there is a 10-minute workout that you can do in place of your regular workout. 

You can also do protein shakes for a meal or snack, but it is not required. This is honestly my FAVORITE part of my day. I mix my chocolate protein shake with coffee, and it's like instant Starbucks - without the guilt or the price! There are many flavors: chocolate, vanilla, Cafe Latte, tropical strawberry, and vegan options - something for everyone!

How I get through my day...

What does it cost?

There are several ways you can order, but the most cost effective is to order the challenge pack OR join my team as a discount coach and save even more!

The challenge pack is $160. I know that sounds like a lot, but that includes 30 meals (as shakes), 9 different workout videos, portion control containers, a shaker bottle, and a meal planning guide. Plus, all of that except for the shakes last you MUCH LONGER than just 30 days, so you really get your money's worth. You also get a free 30-day trial of Beachbody on Demand where you can access all kinds of other workouts from celebrity trainers. 

Think about it this way: It's like paying $30 for a gym membership (which is on the lower average of most gyms now days) and then $4 a meal for 30 HEALTHY meals. Much more reasonable, right? 

Will I see results?

YES - or you get your money back! That's a pretty sweet deal! 
I know life gets crazy and hectic, but this program is SO doable and EASY!! I was very skeptical of this program at first, but I ended up loving it! Trust me! Here are a couple pics of my results! 
Down 16 lbs and 20 inches!

Just 2 months ago these jeans did NOT fit (unless "fit" means not breathing and looking like a sad can of Pillsbury).
This shirt? Haven't seen it in 2 years! Now - I can wear them both, with room to spare.
Down 2 pants sizes in 2 months - Never say Never. It can be done

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Nutrition - keep it simple!

Truer words may never have been spoken lol ðŸ˜‚ and there's not one unhealthy carb at all in this dinner!

Bunless, lean slider burgers with fresh tomatoes and onions + carrot fries (roasted carrots) + pear/almond spinach salad. Less than $10 total! 

Eating healthy is not necessarily expensive nor does it mean you have to give up your favorites. This food-lovin girl is sure happy about it!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Dear Sweet Hopeful Mother-to-Be (like me),

You see, we had this thing in competitive cheerleading where the coach would say, "Keep a smile or you're getting Vaseline." What that cliche little idea meant was that if you weren't smiling big enough, you'd get that disgusting goop put on your teeth to make sure those lips didn't close.

It's funny how that idea can carry over into adult life. I hear things all the time like "just put on a smile" or "fake it 'til you make it."  That's great and all -- but what happens when the vaseline starts running low? 

Maybe all of that just made no sense to you, so let me explain where I'm coming from. After three years of marriage, my husband and I decided in March 2015 that we were ready to expand our family. Fast forward to June 2016 -- two miscarriages and a year have gone by since that dream came into our hearts. Extensive genetic testing (with 17+ vials of blood - that was rough!) tells us that I have a mutated Methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase (aka the MTHFR  gene).  Apparently, this is fairly common, as are the three different medicines I now take to accompany it. It has now been 120 days since I began this medicine, and no sign of progress has been seen....but we are still prayerful and hopeful for our miracle one day. :) 


So, back to what I was saying. Over this past year, I've had a lot of up days and a lot of down days. However, on any given day, most people tend to see the smiles. At first, it was because of the "vaseline" - that hope that helped me keep smiling even when I didn't want to.

  •  We had a successful pregnancy for 8 weeks, so I knew it could happen again - HOPE.
  •  The doctor said that miscarriages were not uncommon, and next time would probably be successful - HOPE.
  • Friends with past miscarriages and the MTHFR gene were having successful pregnancies - HOPE.
  • Another successful pregnancy for 5 weeks; okay, so it can still happen. Surely it won't happen again. - HOPE.
  • After all the genetic testing, we finally had some answers and medicine to help - HOPE.

5 months later - that vaseline jar of hope was starting to run low. I truly tried to start "faking it until I made it."  How do you find that joy again and not sink into a fast hole of depression, which I started to do?? How do you smile and pick your head up when your biggest dream seems impossible?? 


Dear Sweet Hopeful Mother-to-Be (like me),

I've been there. I'm still there. It sucks. CD 1 brings about the most intense emotional pain you've ever felt each month. Trust me, I know.

The tears fall and you try to hide them from your hubby because you know he's hurting just as much as you, and you don't want to add to that pain.

You blame yourself and wonder what you could do differently. You try. You track temperatures, map out days, take the prescribed medicine (even give yourself the shots), PRAY, vent to others, say unintentional, hurtful things to others, PRAY SOME MORE, question what you did wrong, get irate as national abortion numbers continue to rise, PLEAD WITH GOD, try to get healthier, avoid all caffeine and anything you think might hurt any progress, go to countless doctors appointments, PRAY EVEN MORE (maybe even angrily), get the "look" from the little cashier as you buy yet another test ... and the list goes on.

You give yourself a pep-talk and try to continue your life and work as normal as possible, even though seemingly everything reminds you of that longing that you're not so sure will ever happen.

That hope starts turning to doubt, and it can spiral into a really deep place if you let it.

But, Dear Sweet Hopeful Mother-to-Be (like me), please don't. Please know that there is still joy. When the smiles start to run out, borrow them!

Find a support group, friends you can count on, vent to, cry with, and have FUN with. Your hubby is a great resource, but sometimes you need another woman who knows how it feels. If you can't muster the strength to smile yourself, wear the smiles their precious friendship gives! I cannot even imagine how I would get through some days without my dear friends. Can't think of anyone? I'm here! Right here. Whatever you do, please do not keep it all bottled inside and go through this alone. It will steal all your joy, and that is no way to live. Please know that you are not alone.

Lean on your spouse, not away from them. God gave you a helpmate for a reason. Pray together - seek His will above your own. As ironic as it is, there is so much joy and peace that comes when you realize that you are NOT in control and there's nothing better you can both do than to trust in the One who creates ALL life.

Delve into personal development. Read your Bible and pray, yes. But also do something else you love to do. Read a book. Do a hobby or craft you've wanted to try. Catch up on that Netflix show. Get a mani/pedi. Go to the gym or run to burn off that anxiety. Do SOMETHING. Lying on the couch wallowing in self pity will get you absolutely no where. Trust God to open that door when He sees fit, and in the meantime, dance and praise Him in the hallway.

Our day is coming. I believe it with all of my heart!

The battle is not over, but we already know who wins. It IS going to be okay, and I refuse to let the circumstances of this world and the heartbreak defeat me and steal even more joy than it already has. That would only make Satan happy, and that's the LAST thing I plan to do. What about you?

So, Dear Sweet Hopeful Mother-to-Be (like me), please don't give up.
Let's live a full, joyful life that will make our future children proud of their mommy.

and on the tough days, because they WILL come, just remember:

Come what may, God is still God. He is still Good, and He is still on His throne, and NOTHING is going to change that. Choose joy, and if you have to, borrow a SMILE. :)

Prayers and big hugs to you, future mama! Keep trusting. Not my, but THY will be done.

Until next time...

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Have your CAKE and eat it, too!

Getting back into the swing after vacation has NOT been easy .... but these results keep me motivated! ðŸ’™ðŸ’ª

6 months ago, I really doubted that I could ever get here. I was not a "fitness junkie" and I loved pizza, blizzards, and double-stuffed Oreos too much to get here. ðŸ˜‚ Now, I'm happy to tell you that NONE of that has changed - only my confidence and pants size!

It can be done, even with Oreos on hand! You CAN have your cake and eat it too -- yay!! #lovetoeat #loveyourself#weightloss #courtneylanzafitness

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Back from Vacation!

Ahh!! So sorry I've been off the grid for a bit ... the hubby and I took a much needed vacation, and it was great! No vacation would be complete without some coasters, right?!

I am back at it now, though, so new posts are coming!!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

To Succeed, YOU have to start!

To SUCCEED you have to START

In my high school yearbook, I have a picture with the caption "Voted Most Likely to Succeed" and for so many years, I HATED that. Why? In my mind, that did not mean successful, it just meant I was the nerd. I also thought success meant a big office and a big paycheck - neither one of those seemed likely with my future in education. So, that idea never really meant much to me.

MAYBE because I don't think I really believed it in myself. Or maybe because my idea of SUCCESS was all wrong. The Bible says that success comes from service - to be GREAT is to SERVE others (Matt. 20:26).
I may not ever have a big office, ridiculous wealth, or a mansion on a hill, and that is OKAY. That's not what I'm working for. What I do know is that for the first time, I feel successful!

Every day, I get to see over 80 students, and I get to play a small part in helping their lives. Every day, I feel love from one of the most genuine, God-fearing men I've ever met. Every day, God opens new doors for service. And every day, I get to share what I've been given with others through my coaching business.

Hope. Help. A listening ear. A giving hand. A heart to love. An encouraging chat. A praying friend. A comrade to fight the wars of life with....that is SUCCESS, my friends. And I get to do it every day.

So, maybe there was something to that little yearbook. But I didn't reach this point by falling. I'm continuously climbing with God as my safety harness. Serving others is what I love most about this coaching business - a door God opened that I never saw coming.

If you've ever been curious what all goes into it, I'd love to chat more with you about my team and what we do. Who knows? This might be a door that could work for you in helping you help others. Comment below or email me -->

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Did you save room for dessert?

"Did you save room for dessert?"
Ah, the famous line from the waiter/waitress after you've stuffed yourself like the turkey on Thanksgiving - to which my answer is always a sad no. Although, give me a couple hours and I'm sure to scarf down a quick cookie or brownie before bedtime just to get my fix in. 

Or, maybe you're the responsible kind who only eat the portions you are supposed to, take a doggie bag, and happily agree to dessert at the end. If so, I kind of envy you...and I kind of don't because I'm cheap and those desserts are usually like $8 and could feed a family of 10.  Oh, and those buffet lines! Sweet mother of pearl. I am HORRIBLE at portions (hence the fact that I had to do a workout program with portion control, lol), so places like Golden Corral and the Chinese buffet really baffle me as to how I'm supposed to fit all of that on my plate. Thank goodness for plate #2.

The sad truth is that this overflowing plate directly mimics my plate in life. I am the world's worst person at saying "no" - like, seriously, do not invite me to something unless you want me to show up with bells on. If I'm bad at portioning my food, portioning my time is like trying to simultaneously breathe and move in Hot Yoga (still haven't figured that one out). I fill my plate with everything under the sun, and don't get me wrong, many of them are good, GOOD activities. I love volunteering, fitness coaching, teaching, Netflix binging, Bible-journaling, cleaning, figuring out the next perfect shade for my nails, spending time with friends, date nights, family phone calls, pondering my next blog entry and never writing it, playing with the dog, and so on. 

But you know what, you can fill up a food plate to overflowing with fruits and veggies, and you still may not be eating healthy. It's all about balance, in food and in life. 

Balance. You know I really hate that word because for the life of me I just don't really believe it exists. Then again, standing on one foot was never my top talent for this graceful clutz - I digress.

Regardless, I'm not doing something right because I never seem to have time for dessert (you know those best parts of life). My grandfather used to say that you never know when the Lord is coming back, so eat dessert first....and I think he has a point. 

If I fill my plate with all these activities, obligations, and other good stuff, then I run out of room for dessert. I'm stuffed. You know that feeling you get during Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays where you've eaten so much that everyone is in that one big lull, lethargic attitude? If we're not careful that becomes our life attitude when the plate is too full. Then, we miss out on the best parts - dessert. What would be your dessert?

For me, it's my marriage, both physical and spiritual. I chose to spend my life with my husband, but most days it also feels like I'm choosing to not spend it with him (when I pile everything else on my plate). I chose to follow Christ and be His bride, but I'm also choosing to not give Him a place. Doing things for someone is not the same as spending it with them. I fill my plate with stuff, and then I cram down my dessert (time with God and husband) right before bed.

I don't think our husbands or our Heavenly Father want our lethargic leftovers from a day filled with overeating on the things of life. So, as we get ready for another week, I leave you (and ME, oh boy am I talking to myself here, first and foremost) with this thought:

It's okay to leave some things on the buffet line of life, and in the event that you find your plate too full, grab a doggie bag. Some things can wait for tomorrow; leftovers won't kill you. And for goodness sake, eat your dessert first!

Until next time..

Monday, January 18, 2016

Illustrating my Faith - Why I love Bible Journaling

Read the Bible in a year. Memorize a Bible verse a week. Study the background and original meanings/language of each verse in the Bible. 

Overwhelming, right? Well, these were the type goals I used to set for myself. While these goals are not necessarily wrong, I was missing the point. I did, indeed, read through the Bible in  year, and I started memorizing a new verse a week for awhile. However, I still felt that I was missing something. 

I was doing it all wrong. I was treating God's Word like a scholarly book to be mastered rather than the greatest love story ever told; after all, I love learning. Yet, the truth is that I will NEVER fully master God's word, nor will I ever understand every nook and cranny meaning within its text. Viewing the Bible as a textbook made God seem so impersonal and far away. I don't think God is impressed by how quickly I can read the Bible or how many scriptures I can quote IF I am not growing in my relationship with him. 

This is not that uncommon. The Western way of studying scripture is by breaking down it down verse by verse and analyzing every little meaning. However, the Jewish culture would have read the Bible as one big story (no chapters or verses), and I have tried to take on more of that approach now. My, how liberating that has been! 

The message of the Bible in one word is LOVE, and you just don't get that feeling from studying a textbook. Now, I read the Bible as God's love letters, so to speak. What is this love story? How does it all go together? What does it mean for me? How do I fit into this story? What is my role in God's story?

Just like any good storybook, I love the pictures. So much can be told from a simple image. So, I've added images and notes in the margins of my journaling Bible, and I find that I am connecting SO much more with the text. I am such a visual learner, so as I illustrate God's story, my original, defeating goals start to become easier. I remember more scripture after I spend time with it illustrating it. 

I know that Bible journaling is not for everyone and that some do not agree with putting markings in a Bible, and I can also see that point of view. However, I am not adding to or taking away from the words of Scripture; I am simply illustrating its deep meaning to me.  In fact, some of the first Bible had illustrations in them, how cool is that?!

Here are some that I have done so far:


What's more - I was sent this message the other day with these pictures attached. As a teacher, these are the moments I dream about! My prayer has and will always be: Lord, let them see You in me. This is by far the best compliment I've ever received, and words cannot express how much this means to me! Two of my former students are digging into the Word! 💕 Watching my current and former students study the Bible, be baptized, and grow in God - there is no greater reward!! 

Until next time...